Travel Goods Association is more than a trade organization

We're your business partner.

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TGA Member Benefits


Network with the industry at large and keep your finger on the pulse of the industry, so you can make smart business decisions to better your bottom line. For the latest news check out Industry News Briefs


TGA works tirelessly to promote your industry. Countless articles about the travel goods industry began with a TGA-generated press release or pitch, or an article in a TGA publication. Over 190 million consumer placements had their genesis with TGA. We put the word out! Stay up-to-the-minute with Travel Goods Magazine.


We stay on top of the decisions impacting your business, both here in the U.S. and abroad, and represent your voice and the industry at large. Stay informed about what we’re doing for you via From Washington, California Prop 65, and Capital Beat.

TGA News

  • Early Bird Offer Ending Soon: Book Your Booth by July 31 and Save 15%

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  • 11 Days Left — Early Birds Get the Discount!

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  • T-Minus 2.5 Weeks. Why Wait?

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  • Book Now and SAVE — You Early Bird, You!

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  • Look Who’s Back in Vegas

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  • Back in Vegas, Focused on Travel Goods

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  • A Leg Up for Lighting — And Working on the Fly

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  • It’s Influential. And It’s Back in Vegas, Baby!

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  • What’s NEW and Fresh at the 2024 Travel Goods Show

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  • TGA PR at Work

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  • Exhibitor Applications Now Open for the 2024 Travel Goods Show!

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  • The 2024 Show News You've Been Waiting For!

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  • Exciting Industry News!

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  • We Don’t Want to Play Favorites, But…

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  • TGA Board of Directors Elects New Officers

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From Washington

  • UPS Contract Deal After TGA Calls for Government Intervention

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  • GSP — New October 18 DC Lobby Day Announced as Members of Congress Call for Renewal

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  • Hurry Up and Wait

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  • TGA Urges House China Committee to Remove China Section 301 Tariffs

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  • TGA to Congress — Stop Unfair Rail Storage Fees

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  • Shipping Complaints on the Rise Show OSRA Reforms Working

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  • TGA Urges Congress to End China Section 301 Tariffs

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  • Congress to Biden — Fix Safe Driver Apprenticeship Pilot Program (SDAP) for New Truckers

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  • TGA Urges President Biden to Intervene in West Coast Port Labor Contracts

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  • U.S. Travel Goods Industry Faces More California Prop 65 Notices; TGA Prop 65 Best Practices Guidance

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  • We Need You! Please Participate in the March 8 GSP Lobby Day in Washington, DC

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  • TGA Urges U.S. Government to End China Section 301 Tariffs

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  • The Latest on West Coast Port Labor Contract Talks, Rail, and OSRA

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  • U.S. Travel Goods Industry Faces More California Prop 65 Notices; TGA Prop 65 Best Practices Guidance

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  • Rail Strike Averted

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