October 10, 2019 Facebook  Instagram  Twitter  LinkedIn
TGA Industry News Briefs
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Don’t Blend In


A quick Google search for “travel products” returns more than 7 million results in a half second. Your odds of being on that first results page? About 12 in 7 million. Here’s a better way to get the attention of travel goods retailers: Exhibit at The Travel Goods Show. More new items debut at The Show than anyplace else – as they have for more than 70 years. That’s an unmatched track record for connecting brands like yours with leading travel goods retailers. Cut through the online noise, and get down to business face to face. Contact Cathy Trecartin and discover how The Show can kickstart your 2020: 877-842-1938, x-702; cat@travel-goods.org.

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How Trump’s Tariffs Are Creating Jobs – for Canadians


According to U.S. customs rules, packages worth less than $800 – known as the de minimis threshold – don’t have to pay duties at all. They just have to ship items directly to consumers one at a time, rather than in bulk to stores or U.S.-based warehouses. The result: Companies now have an incentive to use fulfillment centers in Canada and Mexico rather than the U.S. READ MORE

Travelers Behaving Badly: Is the Conduct of Tourists Getting Worse?


While tourists were once seen as a highly coveted source of income by destinations – and still are in some cases – we appear to be living in an age where traveling has become a byword for trouble. But has the behavior of tourists actually gotten worse over time, or is this simply an inevitable consequence of more and more of us packing our bags and heading out into the big wide world? READ MORE


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From the Rooftops, Big Box Stores Are Embracing Solar


At a time when the federal government is increasingly stepping away from addressing issues like sustainability and climate change, corporate America is stepping up. Retail giants from Target to Walmart to Amazon, and tech titans from Apple to Google to Facebook, are taking action to respond because it’s good for business and good for corporate image. For many consumers, addressing core issues like climate change and sustainability go hand-in-hand with attracting their business. READ MORE

Why You Should Write Down Your Company’s Unwritten Rules


Unwritten rules and ways of doing things – both good and bad – are ingrained in the corporate world. Often, these norms become so enmeshed in company culture that leaders don’t even think about them. But if a company’s norms aren’t regularly revisited to ensure they align with the organization’s goals, and if leaders aren’t careful about how their behavior contributes to them, they can morph from a positive force to a destructive one. READ MORE

Boeing Bets on Space Tourism by $20 Million into Virgin Galactic


Boeing plans to invest $20 million in Virgin Galactic as the space tourism company nears its goal of launching passengers on suborbital flights. The companies announced the investment earlier this week, saying they will work together on broadening commercial access to space and transforming global travel technologies. READ MORE

Run the Numbers: Nearly Half of Online Shoppers Will Only Buy on Sale This Season and More Holiday Stats


It’s an unpredictable time to be a retailer – with shifting consumer spending, the U.S.-China trade war and a shorter-than-usual holiday shopping season among the factors impacting the all-important fourth quarter period. But according to Salesforce’s annual study on digital commerce, shoppers are still gearing up to spend, driving online revenues up 13% year over year, as total sales reach a record $136 billion in the U.S. and $768 billion across the globe. READ MORE

10 Social Media Marketing Tips That Can Give Your Brand Maximum Exposure


Although platforms may change over time, social media as a channel is here to stay. It has grown into a powerful marketing tool which gives your brand and business greater mileage. Social media transformed itself from a trend to one of the most powerful advertising tools out there. Effective social media marketing is more than just creating content and scheduling them to be published. Here, we’ll talk about the 10 social media marketing tips that can give your brand maximum exposure. READ MORE

Connecting the Dots: Leadership and Management


Leadership is critical and becomes more important as you advance your career, but it’s equally important to continue to stay involved at the management level. Many leaders tend to focus on the strategy of running a company but fail to remain engaged at the implementation level. If you want to be successful, you need to be hands-on. READ MORE

It Takes Weeks to Paint One Airplane – Here's the Whole Process


When we step on an airplane, we don’t often pay much attention to the outside of the plane. But while we may not notice how the airplane is painted as quickly as we notice how many bathrooms are available onboard, it’s important to note how much time, care, and attention goes into the plane’s appearance. Thad Beyer walked Travel + Leisure through the intricate steps, giving us a whole new appreciation of all the things that go into making your next flying experience great. READ MORE
