We Need You to Urge Congress to Approve GSP Renewal/Relief ASAP

We need you, your staff, your colleagues, your friends, and your family to urge Congress to approve the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program this year, or provide immediate reliefIt only takes 2 minutes to send letters to your members of Congress. GSP has now been expired for 20 months. Short of renewal, TGA urges Congress to approve the GSP “Refund-Only” bill (H.R. 8906), which would immediately refund to TGA members the duties paid on U.S. travel goods imports from GSP countries from January 1, 2021 to August 30, 2022, to provide some immediate relief to our industry as we wait for Congress to conclude its negotiations over GSP renewal. GSP provides duty-free access to the U.S. market for travel goods from developing countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Thailand, etc.). Today, GSP countries supply 20% of all U.S. travel goods imports.