TGA Urges U.S. Government to End China Section 301 Tariffs

On January 17, TGA urged the U.S. Government to end the 25% Section 301 tariffs on U.S. travel good imports from China under the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative’s (USTR) Four-Year Review of the China Section 301 Tariffs. In its comments, TGA finds that the China Section 301 tariffs have done nothing to curb China’s unfair trade policies or intellectual property rights (IPR) theft. Instead, the China Section 301 tariffs have only hurt U.S. travel goods firms and its 100,000 American workers and raised costs for hardworking American families. The most effective way to move sourcing away from China has been the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program but Congress’ failure to renew the program for over two years now has actually incentivized sourcing to start moving back to China.