Stay Up to Speed with Showcase

Earlier this year, Travel Goods Showcase underwent a complete transformation. Our quarterly magazine – traditionally paper and printed once a quarter – is now paper-free and live online. The benefits of a digital magazine abound, and our readership has excitedly adopted the new, interactive format. Now that the Showcase editorial team has shifted gears to paperless publication, we realize we have a significant opportunity – to nimbly add content to our website on a more regular basis. This is where you – our readers – come in. We encourage you to share your company and product announcements with us. Were you recently featured in the news? Did you roll out a new product line? Are you hiring or searching for distribution partners? Tell us about it and increase awareness of your brand.

As we increase the frequency of our posts, we encourage you to add Showcase to your reading list and sign-up for the subscriber newsletter to stay up-to-date with industry news. Travel Goods Showcase strives to keep the pulse of the travel goods industry, and we are eager to deliver what you need to know, when you need to know it. With questions, please contact Showcase digital manager Kim Wong.