GSP Travel Goods – TGA Continues Fight to Expand Eligible Countries

GSP Travel Goods – TGA Continues Fight to Expand Eligible Countries

On January 20, former President Barack Obama left office without expanding the list of developing countries eligible to bring travel goods in duty-free to the U.S. under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) trade preference program. Today, only U.S. travel goods imports from the least-developed countries, like Cambodia and Myanmar, and sub-Saharan African countries can enter duty-free under the GSP program. Despite not acting before leaving office, the outgoing administration did leave a recommendation for President Donald Trump to expand duty-free access for travel goods to all GSP-eligible countries, including Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, India, and others. As a result, TGA continues to lobby for the new Trump administration to proclaim U.S. imports of travel goods duty-free from all GSP countries as soon as possible.