Travel Goods Showcase

TGA Industry News Briefs
Briggs & Riley


Preparing for Open Doors


There’s a lot more to reopening than simply unlocking the doors. Consumers need to be made to feel welcome – and safe. Rules specific to your locale must be adhered to. And you must communicate with customers to give them confidence to return. It’s a lot, but TGA’s COVID-19 industry updates page can help, with aggregated resources such as the National Retail Federation’s list of Coronavirus Retail Restrictions by State, updated daily; and Best Practices for Communicating Health and Safety at Businesses, by the U.S. Travel Association. Check back often for the latest guidance to help you move forward.

TGA Tells Congress to Make Tax Credits Refundable


On June 25, TGA joined over 100 organizations in urging Congress to temporarily make general business tax credits refundable.

Travel Sentry

U.S.-China Feud Gets Nasty with Red Tape as Stealth Weapon


The U.S. and China are moving beyond bellicose trade threats to exchanging regulatory punches that threaten a wide range of industries including technology, energy and air travel. The two countries have blacklisted each other’s companies, barred flights and expelled journalists. The unfolding skirmish is starting to make companies nervous the trading landscape could shift out from under them. READ MORE

China Passes Sweeping Hong Kong National Security Law


Beijing has passed a wide-reaching national security law for Hong Kong, which many fear could be used to override existing legal processes and further erode the city’s civil and political freedoms. Beijing’s top lawmaking body, the National People’s Congress (NPC), passed the law unanimously on Tuesday morning local time, bypassing Hong Kong’s legislature, Chinese state-run Xinhua news agency reported. The passing of the legislation has been clouded in secrecy and details of the law itself remain scant. READ MORE

Coronavirus Retail Restrictions by State


This state-by-state map outlines coronavirus-related laws, executive orders, regulations and guidance governing store operations for retailers. This resource is a part of Operation Open Doors, which provides guidance and tools that NRF members can use as they navigate operating stores across the country during this international health crisis. READ MORE

Ricardo Beverly HIlls

A Plan for Managing (Constant) Interruptions at Work


Interruptions have always been a reality of work, as meetings, text or chat messages, emails, and conversations with coworkers endlessly fragment our time and thus our attention. As the COVID-19 global pandemic forced many of us to work from home, the concurrent management of work/non-work responsibilities have added to this already fragmented time. If interruptions are so frequent and seemingly unavoidable, how do they affect our work and what can we do about them? READ MORE

Overhead Bins Are Now Banned for All Flights in Italy – Will Other Countries Follow?


In recent weeks, the coronavirus outbreak has slowed in continental Europe. However, health and government officials remain on high alert, especially in previously hard-hit countries like Italy. After a strict months-long lockdown, select European residents can now travel freely to and from Italy. Those travels now have a new type of restriction, however. Last week, Italy’s National Civil Aviation Authority announced a decree intended to prevent people from congregating while onboard planes by banning the use of overhead bins. The measure is thought to prevent crowds from clogging aisles while passengers place and retrieve overhead items upon boarding and deplaning. READ MORE

Reimagining Luxury Travel for 2025


At the Skift Forum Europe earlier this week, Arnaud Champenois, senior vice president, brand and marketing at Belmond, and Tom Marchant, owner and co-founder of Black Tomato Group, spoke with Skift President Carolyn Kremins about the how the luxury travel experience could change after the current health crisis. READ MORE

4 Signs Your Team Can’t Work from Home Long-term


A recent Gartner survey of 229 HR leaders showed that 41% of employees are likely to work remotely at least part-time post-COVID. That’s compared with 30% of employees who worked remotely at least part-time before the pandemic. But for all the plans many companies are making to shift to a work-from-home model long-term, some simply can’t – and I’m not just talking about jobs that require a physical presence. These are some of the signs your business, your workforce, or both, are not equipped to adopt this trend. READ MORE

As COVID-19 Mask Debate Rages on, Retailers Reluctantly Take Brunt of Enforcement


While many retailers say they don’t want to be “mask police,” varying mandates and opinions on public health have led to challenges. READ MORE

The Summer of the Road Trip: AAA Travel Forecast for Summer 2020


“This year will be the summer of the road trip,” said Aldo Vazquez, public relations spokesman for AAA. Each year, AAA issues a travel forecast for the big summer holidays, but for the first time in 20 years, it didn’t for Memorial Day weekend or the Fourth of July. The travel organization did however give an overall outlook for the summer. READ MORE

Adorable Artwork Shows Up on Times Square Billboard to Thank Essential Workers


Three kids got the surprise of a lifetime when their artwork showed up on a giant billboard, as a colorful reminder to frontline workers that we all thank them for their service. Shutterfly chose the designs from more than 450 works of art submitted from children across the nation during the company’s #CreateThanks campaign on Twitter and Instagram. READ MORE

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